The website is the property of Kustimisable SRL, a Romanian legal entity, with an order number in the Trade Register J32 / 448/2020, unique fiscal registration code 42417063. Use of this site implies acceptance of the terms and conditions below. reserves the right to change these provisions without further notice.
Definitions and Terms
Seller – Kustimisable SRL, legal person of Romanian nationality, having serial number in the Trade Register J32 / 448/2020, unique fiscal registration code 42417063.
Site – the site hosted at the web address and its subdomains.
Document – these Terms and Conditions.
Commercial Communications – means of information periodically, exclusively electronically, any type of message sent (such as: e-mail / SMS / telephone / mobile push / webpush / etc.) Containing general and thematic information, information on similar products or complementary to those you have purchased, information on offers or promotions.
Access to information on the site guarantees the user limited access, in his personal interest, on the site and does not confer the right to download or modify partially or completely the site, to reproduce partially or completely the site, to copy, sell / resell or exploit the site in any other way, for commercial purposes or contrary to the interests of KUSTIMISABLE SRL without its prior written consent. You have a limited, non-exclusive and revocable right to create a web link to the main page of the KUSTIMISABLE.COM site, or to any other page, as long as it does not bring disadvantages of any kind to KUSTIMISABLE S.R.L. or to any of our partners, only after obtaining our written consent.
Electronic communication
When you visit or send us emails, communicate with us electronically. You agree that all such communications: emails, notes, conventions, newsletters, news, or any other type of information that we provide electronically, meet all the requirements of national and European legislation. Your consent to communicate with us in this way, whether you only receive this information or if you send us information electronically, is an acceptance equivalent to the handwritten signature on any physical document, as if this information were printed on a physical medium, in writing. You, and also agree to abide by exactly what is communicated electronically, making use of these communications subject to this document called “Terms and Conditions”.
Links to other sites, server, browser
The website is hosted by servers of a third party company. KUSTIMISABLE S.R.L. will not be held responsible for any errors on the site regardless of the reasons for their occurrence, including changes to the site, settings, or updates. KUSTIMISABLE S.R.L. will not be held responsible for errors caused by the use of certain browsers to visit the site
KUSTIMISABLE S.R.L. is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of the sites reached through links on the site. For those sites, the full responsibility lies with the owners of the sites in question.
The right to intellectual and industrial property
The content, as defined in the preamble, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, still images, dynamic images, text and / or multimedia content presented on the Site, are the exclusive property of KUSTIMISABLE SRL, being -all reserved the rights obtained for this purpose directly or indirectly (through licenses for use and / or publication).
Customer / User is not permitted to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and / or otherwise alter, use, link to, expose, include any Content in any context other than the original intended by, including any Content outside the Site, removal of the signs that signify the copyright of KUSTIMISABLE SRL on the Content as well as participation in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the Content, except with the express written consent of KUSTIMISABLE S.R.L.
Any Content to which the Client / User has and / or obtains access by any means, is subject to the Document, if the Content is not accompanied by a specific and valid use agreement concluded between KUSTIMISABLE S.R.L. and this, and without any implied or express warranty made by KUSTIMISABLE S.R.L. with reference to that Content.
Privacy will maintain the confidentiality of any information you provide. Disclosure of the information provided may be made only under the conditions mentioned in this Document.
No public statement, promotion, press release or any other manner of disclosure to third parties will be made by the Customer / User regarding the Contract without the prior written consent of the Seller.
By submitting information or materials through this site, you offer unrestricted and irrevocable access to them, the right to use, reproduce, display, modify, transmit and distribute such materials or information. You also agree that may freely use, in its own interest, such information, ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you have sent to us through the Site. will not be subject to obligations regarding the confidentiality of the information sent, if the legislation in force does not provide other specifications in this regard.
Commercial Communications
The Customer / User may change at any time the option regarding the agreement given by for Commercial Communications containing general and thematic information including information regarding offers or promotions, at any time, as follows:
- by accessing the unsubscribe link displayed in the Commercial Communications received from the Seller or,
- by contacting
Waiver of receipt of Commercial Communications does not imply waiver of acceptance of this Document.
Processing of personal data and use of cookies
Please read the Privacy Policy regarding the processing of personal data, which is part of this Document.
Major power
Neither party will be liable for non-performance of its contractual obligations if such failure to perform on time and / or properly, in whole or in part, is due to a force majeure event. Force majeure is the unpredictable event, beyond the control of the parties and which cannot be avoided.
If within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of its occurrence, the respective event does not cease, each party will have the right to notify the other party of the full termination of the Contract without any of them being able to claim damages from the other.
Applicable law – Jurisdiction
This Agreement is subject to Romanian law. Any disputes arising between KUSTIMISABLE S.R.L. and Clients / User will be settled amicably or, if this is not possible, the disputes will be resolved by the competent Romanian courts in Sibiu.